Faculty & Staff Email
Effective January 16, 2015, all official email communications to UGA faculty and staff from administrative systems, such as payroll, will be sent only to UGAMail addresses.
This email policy change is similar to the email policy for students, which also specifies that official email communications will only be sent to UGAMail addresses.
All UGA students, faculty and staff are given a UGAMail account that includes their MyID (myid@uga.edu). The EITS Help Desk website has information on how to use UGAMail.
Prior to January 16, 2015, UGA employees could register a preferred email address, if it was not part of UGAMail. The system that maintained employees’ preferred email addresses has been decommissioned. The option to register a preferred email address is no longer available.
Employees who had previously registered a preferred email address may check their UGAMail for official email communications. They also have the option to forward their UGAMail to another email address.
UGA’s email policy for faculty and staff was initially implemented in 2001. Since then, functional and business processes at the University have drastically changed. The previous email policy was resulting in some employees not receiving important emails from the University’s administrative systems, such as paycheck notifications.
UGA faculty and staff can no longer request to have their UGAMail address removed from the online directory.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact the EITS Help Desk helpdesk@uga.edu or at 706-542-3106.